
You must use python 3.7 or greater!

The following python modules must also be installed.

  • python 3.7.3

  • sqlalchemy 1.3.4

  • pymysql 0.9.3

  • bs4 4.7.1

  • pyyaml 5.1

  • requests 2.25.1

The easiest way to setup the Python is to create a conda environment. Do this by using the conda command on the environment.yml file in the bin directory. After the environment is created you must activate it before calling any of the scripts.

Anaconda Environment#

> cd /D "C:\path\to\pydarkstar\bin"
> conda env remove --name pydarkstar
> conda env create -f environment.yml

Anaconda Environment Fallback#

If you want to install each library with conda commands.

conda create --name pydarkstar python=3.7
conda activate pydarkstar
conda install sqlalchemy
conda install pymysql
conda install bs4
conda install pyyaml
conda install requests

If you do not want to use conda you can also try installing things with pip.

pip install sqlalchemy
pip install pymysql
pip install bs4
pip install pyyaml
pip install requests