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Edit the config.yaml and items.csv files in the bin folder.

From the bin folder, run any of the following commands:

uv run ffxiahbot broker
uv run ffxiahbot clear
uv run ffxiahbot refill
uv run ffxiahbot scrub


Run the ffxiahbot command inside a directory that contains a config.yaml and optionally an items.csv.


The way you run the ffxiahbot command depends on how you installed it.

Installation Method Command
uv uv run ffxiahbot --help
pipx ffxiahbot --help

Creating the Config File

You must create a YAML file to configure the tool (config.yaml). All other options are passed as command line arguments.

# ah
name: M.H.M.U. # Name that appears on AH when buying and selling
tick: 30 # seconds between buying
restock: 3600 # seconds between selling
use_buying_rates: false  # Only buy items a fraction of the time?
use_selling_rates: false  # Only sell items a fraction of the time?

# sql
hostname: # SQL parameter
database: xidb # SQL parameter
username: root # SQL parameter
password: root # SQL parameter
port: 3306 # SQL parameter
fail: true # fail on SQL database errors?

Running the CLI

Simply run the ffxiahbot from the command line. Specify the app you want to run and any flags you want to set.


Common command line flags like --verbose must come before the name of the app to run. App specific command line flags must come after the name of the app to run.

  uv run python -m ffxiahbot --help

 Usage: python -m ffxiahbot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                         

 The script will interact with the Auction House of a private Final Fantasy XI  

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --version                      Show version string.                           --silent                       Only show ERROR messages.                      --verbose                      Also show DEBUG messages.                      --logfile                PATH  The path to the log file.                                                     [default: ahbot.log]                           --disable-logfile              Disable logging to a file.                     --help                         Show this message and exit.                   ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 broker   Run a bot that buys and sells items on the auction house                      continuously.                                                        clear    Delete items from the auction house (dangerous operation!).          refill   Refill the auction house with the items defined in the CSV file.     scrub    Download a list of item prices from and save to a CSV              file.                                                               ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯


You do not actually need a live or production SQL database to test these commands.

  • Instead, you can pass the --use-sqlite-db flag to use a fake SQLite database instead.
  • This will manipulate a SQLite database file on your machine instead of a real server's database.
  • You can then inspect the database with any tool that can read SQLite databases.

Downloading a new Items CSV

This command will download item data from and save it to a CSV file.

  uv run ffxiahbot --verbose scrub
  uv run ffxiahbot --verbose scrub --server ASURA
  uv run ffxiahbot --verbose scrub --item-id 1 --item-id 2 --item-id 3
  uv run ffxiahbot --verbose scrub --cat-url


There is a pre-built CSV file in the repo, so you do not need to run this command if you don't want to.


Pass the --cache .cache flag to the scrub app to save intermediate data during the scrubbing process. This will allow you to resume the scrubbing process if it is interrupted. Delete the .cache folder to start the scrubbing process from scratch.


Set FFXIAHBOT_SCRUB_MAX_FAILURES=N to the number of failures (N) you are willing to accept before the scrubber stops.


Enable the asyncio logger by setting FFXIAHBOT_SCRUB_DEBUG_ASYNCIO=1

  uv run python -m ffxiahbot scrub --help

 Usage: python -m ffxiahbot scrub [OPTIONS]                                     

 Download a list of item prices from and save to a CSV file.         

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --config              PATH     Config file path. [default: config.yaml]       --out-csv             PATH     The output CSV file to save.                                                  [default: items.csv]                           --server              SERVER   The server name (asura, bahamut, etc).                                        [default: ASURA]                               --cat-url             TEXT     Preset category URLs. [default: None]          --item-id             INTEGER  Preset item IDs. [default: None]               --overwrite                    Overwrite output CSV?                          --stock-single        INTEGER  The default number of items for singles.                                      [default: 10]                                  --stock-stacks        INTEGER  The default number of items for stacks.                                       [default: 10]                                  --backup                       Backup output CSV?                             --cache               PATH     A directory to cache the fetched data                                         [default: None]                                --help                         Show this message and exit.                   ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

Refilling the Auction House


Run the refill app to populate the AH if you want to buy items immediately!

  uv run ffxiahbot refill --inp-csv items.csv
  uv run python -m ffxiahbot refill --help

 Usage: python -m ffxiahbot refill [OPTIONS]                                    

 Refill the auction house with the items defined in the CSV file.               

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --config               PATH  Config file path. [default: config.yaml]         --inp-csv              PATH  Input CSV file path. [default: (items.csv)]      --no-prompt                  Do not ask for confirmation.                     --use-sqlite-db        PATH  Use a test SQLite database instead of the real                                one?                                                                          [default: None]                                  --help                       Show this message and exit.                     ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

Clearing the Auction House

This command will remove all items for sale from the AH.


This command is pretty destructive, so be careful!


Unless --all is specified, this command will only clear items that are for sale by the bot.

  uv run python -m ffxiahbot clear --help

 Usage: python -m ffxiahbot clear [OPTIONS]                                     

 Delete items from the auction house (dangerous operation!).                    

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --config               PATH  Config file path. [default: config.yaml]         --no-prompt                  Do not ask for confirmation.                     --all                        Clear all items.                                 --use-sqlite-db        PATH  Use a test SQLite database instead of the real                                one?                                                                          [default: None]                                  --help                       Show this message and exit.                     ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

Running the AH Broker Bot

  uv run ffxiahbot broker --inp-csv items.csv --buy-items --sell-items


The broker will wait until the 1st cycle defined in your config before populating items.

  uv run python -m ffxiahbot broker --help

 Usage: python -m ffxiahbot broker [OPTIONS]                                    

 Run a bot that buys and sells items on the auction house continuously.         

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --config                                    PATH  Config file path.                                                             [default: config.yaml]      --inp-csv                                   PATH  Input CSV file path.                                                          [default: (items.csv)]      --buy-items              --no-buy-items           Enable the buying of                                                          items.                                                                        [default: buy-items]        --sell-items             --no-sell-items          Enable the selling of                                                         items.                                                                        [default: sell-items]       --buy-immediately                                 Buy items immediately                                                         instead of waiting?         --restock-immediately                             Restock items immediately                                                     instead of waiting?         --use-sqlite-db                             PATH  Use a test SQLite database                                                    instead of the real one?                                                      [default: None]             --help                                            Show this message and                                                         exit.                      ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

Manually Editing the Items CSV

  • Item data is stored in items.csv (you can edit it with a text editor or Excel)
  • There is an already generated items.csv in the bin folder for you


  • There is no reason to run the scrub app as an items.csv is included already in the repository!
  • You do not need to regenerate the database even if you think it is old!
  • You can cause yourself pricing issues, you have been warned!


Retail sometimes has unexpected prices in the history.

  • There may be ancient entries.
  • An item may have a selling price below an NPC buying price.
  • An item may only really sell as either a stack or a single.

This may result in exploits on your server if you are not careful.

column description value note
itemid unique item id integer >=0
name item name string
sell_single sell single? 0=false 1=true
buy_single buy single? 0=false 1=true
price_single price for single integer >=1
stock_single restock count (single) integer >=0
sell_rate_single sell rate (single) float 0 <= x <= 1 disabled unless use_selling_rates=true
buy_rate_single buy rate (single) float 0 <= x <= 1 disabled unless use_buying_rates=true
sell_stacks sell stack? 0=false 1=true
buy_stacks buy stack? 0=false 1=true
price_stacks price for stack integer >=1
stock_stacks restock count (stack) integer >=0
sell_rate_stacks sell rate (stack) float 0 <= x <= 1 disabled unless use_selling_rates=true
buy_rate_stacks buy rate (stack) float 0 <= x <= 1 disabled unless use_buying_rates=true