Source code for pydarkstar.scrubbing.ffxiah

from .scrubber import Scrubber
import concurrent.futures
import warnings
import pickle
import re
import os

    'bahamut': 1,
    'shiva': 2,
    'titan': 3,
    'ramuh': 4,
    'phoenix': 5,
    'carbuncle': 6,
    'fenrir': 7,
    'sylph': 8,
    'valefor': 9,
    'alexander': 10,
    'leviathan': 11,
    'odin': 12,
    'ifrit': 13,
    'diabolos': 14,
    'caitsith': 15,
    'quetzalcoatl': 16,
    'siren': 17,
    'unicorn': 18,
    'gilgamesh': 19,
    'ragnarok': 20,
    'pandemonium': 21,
    'garuda': 22,
    'cerberus': 23,
    'kujata': 24,
    'bismarck': 25,
    'seraph': 26,
    'lakshmi': 27,
    'asura': 28,
    'midgardsormr': 29,
    'fairy': 30,
    'remora': 31,
    'hades': 32

ID_SERVER = {v: k for k, v in SERVER_ID.items()}

[docs]class FFXIAHScrubber(Scrubber): """ Get item data from """ def __init__(self): super(FFXIAHScrubber, self).__init__() # regular expressions self._regex_category = re.compile(r'/browse/(\d+)/?.*') self._regex_item = re.compile(r'/item/(\d+)') self._regex_name = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*-?\s*(FFXIAH)?\.(com)?') # pickled file names self._pkl_item_ids = 'scrub_item_list.pkl' self._pkl_item_dat = 'scrub_item_info.pkl' self._server_id = 1 self._save = True @property def save(self): return self._save @save.setter def save(self, value): self._save = bool(value) @property def server(self): return ID_SERVER[self.server_id] @property def server_id(self): return self._server_id @server_id.setter def server_id(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): assert value in SERVER_ID.values() else: value = SERVER_ID[value] self._server_id = value
[docs] def scrub(self, force=False, threads=None, urls=None, ids=None): """ Get item metadata main function. If the pkl files exist (from a previous run of this function), then the ids and/or data will just be loaded from those pkl files. The force option allows you to ignore the pkl files and just redownload the data. The item ids can be loaded from category urls or simply passed as a list. The urls can be generated automatically, in which case all possible items will be downloaded. :param force: ignore existing data and redownload :param threads: number of cpu threads to use while downloading :param urls: list of category urls :param ids: set of item ids :type force: bool :type threads: int :type urls: list, None :type ids: set, list, None """ # force a redownload of all data if force: self.debug('forcing redownload of data') # get ids if ids is None: # get urls if urls is None: urls = self._get_category_urls() self.debug('# urls = %d', len(urls)) ids = self._get_itemids(urls, threads) # save to file self._save_item_ids(ids) else: self.debug('using passed ids') ids = set(ids) if urls is not None: warnings.warn('passed urls ignored') # from internet failed, data = self._get_item_data(ids, threads=threads) # save to file self._save_item_dat(data) self.debug('item count = %d', len(ids)) self.debug('data count = %d', len(data)) return failed, data else: # data exists already if os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_dat): data = self._load_item_dat() if ids is not None: warnings.warn('passed ids ignored') if os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_ids): warnings.warn('%s ignored' % self._pkl_item_ids) self.debug('data count = %d', len(data)) return data # get ids if ids is None: # from file if os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_ids): ids = self._load_item_ids() # from internet else: # get urls if urls is None: urls = self._get_category_urls() self.debug('# urls = %d', len(urls)) ids = self._get_itemids(urls, threads) # save to file self._save_item_ids(ids) else: self.debug('using passed ids') ids = set(ids) if urls is not None: warnings.warn('passed urls ignored') # from file if os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_dat): raise RuntimeError('%s exists' % self._pkl_item_dat) # from internet failed, data = self._get_item_data(ids, threads=threads) # save to file self._save_item_dat(data) self.debug('item count = %d', len(ids)) self.debug('data count = %d', len(data)) return failed, data
def _load_item_ids(self): """ Load item ids from pkl file. """ if not os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_ids): return set() self.debug('load %s', self._pkl_item_ids) with open(self._pkl_item_ids, 'rb') as handle: ids = pickle.load(handle) return set(ids) def _load_item_dat(self): """ Load item dat from pkl file. """ if not os.path.exists(self._pkl_item_dat): return dict() self.debug('load %s', self._pkl_item_dat) with open(self._pkl_item_dat, 'rb') as handle: dat = pickle.load(handle) return dict(dat) def _save_item_ids(self, ids): """ save item ids to pkl file. """ if self._save: self.debug('save %s', self._pkl_item_ids) with open(self._pkl_item_ids, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(ids, handle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def _save_item_dat(self, dat): """ save item dat to pkl file. """ if self._save: self.debug('save %s', self._pkl_item_dat) with open(self._pkl_item_dat, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(dat, handle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # step 1 def _get_category_urls(self): """ Parse to get URLs of the form{CategoryNumber} """ self.debug('getting category urls') # the browse section of FFXIAH has a list of urls with category numbers path = '' self.debug('open %s', path) soup = self.soup(path) urls = [] for tag in soup.find_all('a'): if tag.has_attr('href'): href = tag.get('href') match = self._regex_category.match(href) if match: try: category = int( if category < 240: urls.append('{href}'.format(href=href)) self.debug('category %s', href) else: self.debug('skipping %s', href) except (ValueError, IndexError): self.exception('failed to extract category') else: self.debug('ignoring %s', href) # sort the urls urls.sort(key=lambda x: list(map(float, re.findall(r'\d+', x)))) return urls # step 2 def _get_itemids(self, urls, threads): """ Scrub urls of the form{CategoryNumber} for itemids. :param urls: category urls """'getting itemids') items = set() if threads is None or threads != 1: threads = threads if threads > 1 else None'executing in parallel with threads=%s', 'ALL' if threads is None else threads) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads, thread_name_prefix='ExThread') as executor: futures = {} for i, url in enumerate(urls):'submit category %02d/%02d : %s', i + 1, len(urls), url) futures[executor.submit(self._get_itemids_for_category_url, url)] = url for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):'return category %02d/%02d : %s', i + 1, len(urls), url) url = futures[future] items.update(future.result()) else: for i, url in enumerate(urls):'category %02d/%02d : %s', i + 1, len(urls), url) items.update(self._get_itemids_for_category_url(url)) return items # step 2.1 def _get_itemids_for_category_url(self, url): """ Scrub url of the form{CategoryNumber} for itemids. :param url: category url """ # create tag soup soup = self.soup(url) # look for table class table = soup.find('table', class_='stdlist') if not table: self.error('failed to parse <table>') return set() # look for table body tbody = table.find('tbody') if not tbody: self.error('failed to parse <tbody>') return set() # look for table rows trs = tbody.find_all('tr') if not trs: self.error('failed to parse <tr>') return set() # loop table rows items = set() for j, row in enumerate(trs): # look for 'a' tag a = row.find('a') if a is not None: # look for href attr href = a.get('href') if href is not None: # make sure href matches /item/{number} try: item = int(self._regex_item.match(href).group(1)) items.add(item) # logging.debug('found %s', href) except (ValueError, IndexError): self.exception('failed to extract itemid!\n\n\trow %d of %s\n\n%s\n\n', j, url, row) else: self.error('failed to extract href!\n\n\trow %d of %s\n\n%s\n\n', j, url, row) else: self.error("failed to extract 'a' tag!\n\n\trow %d of %s\n\n%s\n\n", j, url, row) # make sure we found something if not items: self.error('could not find any itemids!') return set() return items # step 3 def _get_item_data(self, itemids, threads=None): """ Get metadata for many items. :param itemids: item numbers :param threads: number of cpu threads to use :type itemids: list, set :type threads: int """'getting data') data = {} failed = {} # get data from itemids if threads is None or threads != 1: threads = threads if threads > 1 else None'executing in parallel with threads=%s', 'ALL' if threads is None else threads) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads, thread_name_prefix='ExThread') as executor: futures = { executor.submit(self._get_item_data_for_itemid, itemid, index=i, total=len(itemids)): itemid for i, itemid in enumerate(itemids) } for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): itemid = futures[future] try: result = future.result() data[itemid] = result except Exception as e: self.exception('failed to scrub %d!', itemid) failed[itemid] = e else: for i, itemid in enumerate(itemids): try: result = self._get_item_data_for_itemid(itemid, index=i, total=len(itemids)) data[itemid] = result except Exception as e: self.exception('failed to scrub %d!', itemid) failed[itemid] = e if failed: for itemid in failed: self.error('failed to scrub %d!', itemid) return failed, data # step 3.1 def _get_item_data_for_itemid(self, itemid, index=0, total=0): """ Get metadata for single item. :param itemid: item number :type itemid: int """ if total > 0: percent = float(index) / float(total) * 100.0 else: percent = 0.0 data = {'name': None, 'itemid': itemid} url = self._create_item_url(itemid) # create tag soup self.debug('open server=%s (%06d/%06d,%6.2f) %s', self.server, index, total, percent, url) soup = self.soup(url, absolute=True, sid=self.server_id) # extract name try: data.update(name=self._regex_name.match(soup.title.text).group(1)) except AttributeError: data.update(name=None) # extract numbers for tag in soup.find_all('span', 'number-format'): try: key = tag.parent.find_previous_sibling().text.lower() data[key] = int(float(tag.text)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass # extract rate for tag in soup.find_all('span', 'sales-rate'): try: data['rate'] = float(tag.text) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass # fix key data = self._fix_stack_price_key(data) return data def _get_item_data_for_itemid_map(self, args): return self._get_item_data_for_itemid(*args) # step 3.1.1 @staticmethod def _create_item_url(itemid): """ Create URL from itemid. :param itemid: item number :type itemid: int """ return '{item}'.format(item=itemid) # step 3.1.2 @staticmethod def _fix_stack_price_key(data): """ Fix dictionary key. :param data: dictionary :type data: dict """ new_key = r'stack price' for key in list(data.keys()): if 'stack' in key.lower(): data[new_key] = data[key] return data
[docs]def extract(data, itemid, **kwargs): """ Extract item data from scrubbed info. """ # singles try: price01, sell01 = data[itemid]['median'], True # do not sell items without a price if price01 <= 0: price01, sell01 = None, False except KeyError: price01, sell01 = None, False # stacks try: price12, sell12 = data[itemid]['stack price'], True # do not sell items without a price if price12 <= 0: price12, sell12 = None, False except KeyError: price12, sell12 = None, False # the name doesn't really matter try: name = data[itemid]['name'] except KeyError: name = None result = dict(name=name, price01=price01, stock01=5, sell01=sell01, buy01=True, rate01=1.0, price12=price12, stock12=5, sell12=sell12, buy12=True, rate12=1.0) result.update(**kwargs) return result
if __name__ == '__main__': pass